
How to get more followers on Instagram in 2021

How to get more followers on Instagram

Many music producers, artists and other brands struggles to get their content noticed. In this article I will tell you how to get more followers on Instagram in 2021 building a sustainable brand.

Upload daily

If you want to get followers faster on Instagram you should upload new content at least once a day. Uploading more content increases your chances to get your posts noticed.

A good amount of new content is 1-3 uploads per day. These pieces of content can be either videos, stories or regular pictures on your feed.

You should also upload content daily to create consistency. When people know that you are providing valuable content to them regularly, they want to follow you.

Make new content
To get more followers on Instagram you should upload new content daily.

That is why with consistency you are able to create trust between you and your followers. The more your followers trusts you, the more they wants to see your content.

Once you get the ball rolling you are able to grow your business much faster. Your followers will also be much more engaging when they see a new piece of content from you.

Upload different types of content

To make your uploads more interesting and appealing to your followers, you should upload different types of content. There are 5 types and content you can upload to Instagram:

  • images
  • videos
  • carousels
  • stories
  • IGTV

Instagram algorithms tends to favor some types of content more than others. For example, since the carousel feature is still a relevantly new Instagram shows them to more people on average.

However, videos and images should still be your core content on your feed. Instagram algorithms are also changing very rapidly so within a month the situation could be way different.

You should also monitor your Instagram statistics and upload content that performs the best. Your audience might like more videos than images, for example.

That is why you will always need experiment with different types of content and determine what type of content works the best for you and your audience.

Keep in mind that when Instagram releases a new feature they usually like to give it more visibility at the beginning so that people would find and use it.

Upload schedule

A good strategy to grow your Instagram following faster is to plan your uploads ahead of time. You can do this by simply using Google Sheets or downloading a calendar software/app.

Calendar apps are extremely useful when scheduling your uploads. As I said earlier on this article, you should upload new content at least once a day. If you are using a calendar, you can plan more easily when to post them.

schedule your content
Scheduling your uploads helps you to organize your content.

When you are scheduling your uploads, try not to upload same types of content in a row. For example, if you uploaded a music production video on Monday you shouldn’t upload same type of video on Tuesday.

This way you are able to provide different type of content to your audience each day and keep them interested. It also helps you to schedule your uploads, because you will know what to post and when.

Here are some different content ideas:

  • music production videos/pictures
  • sound design videos
  • self portraits
  • music previews
  • behind the scenes videos/pictures
  • cover art
  • music tutorials
  • sneak peeks

Upload times

When you have made your piece of content and scheduled it to be uploaded on a certain day, you need to decide what is the best time of day to upload it. Here are some things to consider when choosing the upload time:

  • where does your followers live (time zones)
  • how many uploads you are planning to make on that day
  • when your followers are most active
  • how competitive is your niche

The most important thing to consider is where most of your followers lives. If your followers live in Europe, for example, you will need to make sure that your content is up when it’s the best time for them.

However, you should not ignore followers from other regions and time zones. Therefore you should also try to upload when it’s good time for them. This way you ensure that you reach your whole audience.

Upload times on Instagram
How to get more followers on Instagram? You need to find the best time for you to upload to increase your posts visibility and engagement.

Other important thing to keep in mind is that if your niche is very competitive, you should not always upload on the prime time. What I mean by this is that your uploads will get unnoticed if you always upload when everyone else are uploading.

If you upload multiple times a day you have much better chance to reach wider portion of your audience. The most effective strategy is to upload 2-3 times a day and spread them across the day.

I understand that it’s very hard to upload even once a day. Even I struggle to get new content out daily. However, you should not be too worried as long as you are consistent with your uploads.


Do you really want to know how to get more followers on Instagram? Engagement will be even more important in 2021.

When you receive comments or private messages you need to respond to them. But don’t just respond to them because you have to. Try to have a genuine conversation and connect with them.

Once you have managed to create connection your followers will trust you and engage you more often. They will also be more likely to buy your songs and merchandise.

You should also create engagement yourself. The are many ways to do this. Here are some examples:

  • start a conversation with your followers
  • ask your followers questions
  • create posts than encourages people to engage you
  • create content that can be easily shared
  • comment other people posts
  • like other users posts
  • share other users posts
  • tag other people to your posts


Building a sustainable brand takes time and a lot of work. With the strategies on this article you are able to steadily grow your Instagram following and establish a strong connection with your followers.

If you want to succeed you need to commit yourself to do these strategies and not to give up. If you want to learn more about marketing on Instagram check out our other articles:

Check out this article if you want to learn how to promote & market your music on Instagram.

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